Happy New Year everyone!
2022 was the year we came out of lockdown and secured the lease on our new shed and then we........
Installed a new floor and insulated ceiling with LED lighting, re-wired, fitted a kitchen, painted inside and out and equipped the workshop with new benches and tooling
We also found time to erect a flagpole, install a new bench at the Co-op, remove the cross beam from the main hall in the school (that was fun!), make lots of Xmas trees and build a new sledge for Santa. And we still managed to fit in a summer BBQ and an Autumn Skittles event - phew what a year!
Membership is now in the mid 40's - the highest since we started out!
Many thanks to our trustees, Jerry Russell, Bill Horwood, Rob Heels and John MacBean for their hard work resulting in a shed we can all be proud of!
Sadly 2022 was also the year we lost two of our original members, Nick Mowl and Alan Hennah and our good friend, Ian Hartnell
I think they would approve of what has been achieved!
Shed Re-opening
The shed will reopen tomorrow, Tuesday 3rd January
We will need volunteers to help remove the remaining stuff from Greystones and take a few car loads to the tip.
There are several items of machinery we need to dispose of - if anyone wants to make an offer for a small pillar drill, w/w lathe, band saw, bench grinders, bench vices or a mortice drill etc, please let me know.
There are also a couple of boxes of tools for sale at the school at pocket money prices so please take a look and see if there is anything you want.
Mudeford Club Lunch
Our next lunch is booked for Friday 27th January - make a note in your diary!
2023 Projects
Just for starters, we need to:
- Install a park bench at Lakewood in Highcliffe
- Build a wood store at the School
- Bring machinery from Les Mercer's garage (AND shed, summerhouse, workshop and two lofts! - Edited by Les)
- Empty the old shed at Greystones
Christchurch Men's Shed Silver Hammer Award
This year the award went to John (I aint a Brummie) Pegram.
It's called a Gentleman's Hammer but I think it is actually a Birmingham Screwdriver
Thanks everyone, it currently has pride of place in my display cabinet!
See you all soon!
John Pegram
Christchurch Men's Shed
Courtesy of Les Mercer (I accept no blame for this one)
A duck went into a shop and asked
Got any bread
Got any bread
Got any bread
No, and if you ask me again, I will nail your beak to the floor!
Got any nails
.....Got any bread