Many thanks to everyone who turned out to help with removing the beam from the main hall in the School.
The job went a lot easier than we might have anticipated and no shedders were injured or maimed in the process, so I would mark that up as a success!
Keith Vinycomb supplied the access tower and cleared away the remains - thanks Keith!
That just leaves making good and repainting for another day.
The next series of jobs in the lower hall will include finish painting the outside of the windows, laying the floor tiles and installing security grids over the windows.
There is usually a small team at the School on Tuesday and Thursday mornings so please feel free to come along and see what is happening and maybe lend a hand if you can.
I expect it won't be too long before we need another full work party, so watch out for emails!
In the meantime, the workshop facilities at Greystone's House are still available to any members wanting to use them.
We will be winding things up there in the not too distant future to concentrate our efforts on fitting out the new workshop at the School.
Mudeford Club Lunch
Our next lunch is booked for for Friday 13th May - should be easy to remember!
Membership 2022 - 2023
If you haven't already paid, please bring your £20 membership fee along.
As John Blakeman commented, you know you have reached rock bottom when you receive a final reminder from the Men's Shed!
John Pegram
Christchurch Men's Shed